This project is set up to move solar panels automatically, and to be able to control them from your phone and computer. In this project are the following things.


Find the documentation here.

Create executable JAR from IntelliJ project - first time

  1. Go to File > Project Structure > Artifacts
  2. Click the green plus in the left top corner (next to Project Settings)
  3. In the dropdown menu, choose JAR > From modules with dependencies...
  4. Tick the box 'build on make' to build a JAR every time

Build executable JAR manually

  1. Run the project (Shift + F10)
  2. Click Build > Build Artifacts...
  3. SolArduino-desktop:jar > Build
  4. Find the JAR-file in the SolArduino\SolArduino-desktop\out\artifacts\SolArduino_desktop_jar directory

This project was previously developed on Bitbucket.