This project is set up to move solar panels automatically, and to be able to control them from your phone and computer. In this project are the following things.
- Android app, latest release here (v1.3) latest debug version here (to check if it's ahead of the release, check the tags app-vx.x).
- Desktop app, download here (v1.2).
- Arduino code
- Mathematica calculations, the package file is here and there is also a package demonstration notebook.
Find the documentation here.
Create executable JAR from IntelliJ project - first time
- Go to File > Project Structure > Artifacts
- Click the green plus in the left top corner (next to Project Settings)
- In the dropdown menu, choose JAR > From modules with dependencies...
- Tick the box 'build on make' to build a JAR every time
Build executable JAR manually
- Run the project (Shift + F10)
- Click Build > Build Artifacts...
- SolArduino-desktop:jar > Build
- Find the JAR-file in the SolArduino\SolArduino-desktop\out\artifacts\SolArduino_desktop_jar directory
This project was previously developed on Bitbucket.